Rescue & Extrication: Recovery Bags
Heavy Rescue Rollover Recovery Cushions and Landing Cushions...
Lift up to 20,000 lbs per bag. starter bags and landing cushions are used together to upright overturned vehicles safely and to prevent additional damage from crane cables and other concentrated force listing devices.
Recovery lifting cushions can lift a soft side trailer without unloading. 20,000 lbs. lift per bag. Use lifting bags when you want to minimize additional damage. Use lifting bags when additional lifting force is needed. Use lifting bags when equipment access is limited.
Recovery lifting cushions complete lift set includes 5 high lift coshions, medium sized cushion to lift the tractor/cab, gas powered inflation blower, distribution manifold air flow controller and hoses. JaegerTech high pressure starter cushions can be added.
Recoverl Landing cushions cushion the fall when uprighting. Recovery cushions prevent secondary rollover and additional landing shock damage.
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Recovery landing cushions complete set includes 3 landinng cushions, hoses, distribution manifold, gas powered blower. Sandbags can be added for additional stabilization.
Low pressure lifting bags come in several sizes and can be used for special applications such as stabilization.